
Nodal Shapes is a small project I made that allows users to create dynamic greeting cards with messages of their choosing. Users can choose between animated complete graphs in the shapes of circles, squares, hearts, stars, spirals, and triangles to display behind their chosen text. When a user creates a card, they will be able to copy a link and send it to their friend, which will display the greeting card.

You can also view the complete graphs without any text on the main website! Users can in addition pause and resume animation by tapping on the shape.

Skills I've Learned

Through this project I practiced geometry by making sure that the vertices were arranged in the correct shape, and evenly spaced apart for any number of vertices. The hardest shape for me to make was the heart, as it couldn't be a complete graph due to there needing to be a gap between the two semicircles on the top of it. Instead, I had to connect vertices in the semicircle to only other vertices on the same side of the heart. A valuable skill I learned was how to store data in a url using the hash property of a document, which is what allowed my program to transform from a purely mathematical project to a digital greeting card generator.